Data Risk Intelligence

Prepare for the Unexpected.

Data Risk Intelligence

Improve daily operations

Reassurity’s Data Risk Intelligence solutions are designed to help you improve the quality of your daily operations while significantly cutting down the expenses and time involved in risk management.

Providing the best security

Our modular and comprehensive risk-based IT security management and data protection solutions include risk assessment, consulting and administration of claims. We structure our solutions down to the most minute detail and test them in practical applications. Reassurity’s main focus is to help you create the best possible legal security for your business.

Data Risk Intelligence

Know what your business is up against

0 %
of breaches involved the Human Element, including Social Attacks, Error and Misuse
0 %
increase in Ransomware breaches - more than in the last 5 years combined
0 %
of incidents in the System Intrusion pattern involved threat actors compromising partners.

Source: Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) – Verizon, 2022


Get in touch today to learn more about Data Risk Intelligence with Reassurity Inc.

Always prepare for the unexpected.