About Reassurity Inc
Controlled Risk-Taking Underpins Reassurity’s Financial Strength
Reassurity’s business model relies on effective risk management and controlled risk-taking, both of which are integral parts of our financial strength. Risk management is embedded methodically and structurally throughout our business to ensure that every risk taken is a good one.
Controlled risk-taking is crucial for insurers and reinsurers. To be reliable partners to clients when they need us and fulfill the role of ultimate risk managers, tight control of exposures is essential.
Reassurity Bases its Risk Management System on Three Fundamental Principles
These principles are applied consistently at group and legal entity level across all risk categories:
Clear Management
Controlled Risk Assessment
A Clearly Defined Risk Control Framework
This comprises a body of standards that establish an internal control system for taking and managing risks. These standards set responsibilities for risk-takers and risk-controllers. The Risk Control Framework defines four key tasks, which are the core components of Reassurity’s risk management cycle:
Risk Identification
Risk identification makes risks manageable and controllable, ensuring that all risks to which the company is exposed are transparent.
Risk Measurement
Risk measurement allows Reassurity to control its total risk accumulations and risk-taking decisions, including passive risk exposure through operations.
Risk Tolerance and Appetite
The Risk Appetite Framework outlines business and investment plans, the implications of which must be understood and adhered to.
Risk Reporting
Risk reporting enables Reassurity to meet external disclosure requirements while creating internal risk transparency.
Steering You Through Uncertainty
Risk appetite and risk tolerance are the two interlinked components at the core of Reassurity’s Risk Appetite Framework. These components address where and how the company’s liquidity, capital, and other resources should be deployed under a risk-return view. On the other hand, risk tolerance sets clear boundaries for risk-taking.
Reassurity’s proprietary integrated risk model represents an essential tool for managing the business and provides a meaningful assessment of exposed risks. The model also forms the basis of regulatory reporting and helps determine capital requirements for internal purposes. Under our thoroughly revised process and with the approval of the internal model, Reassurity can achieve annual key milestones. Reassurity regularly reviews and updates its parameters and internal models to reflect current best practices, experiences, and changes in the risk environment.